Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tagged by Rich Ferguson $58 only


Rich has been writing on spectators for years. In fact, when he walked into the Ellusionist Studio to film the project, he walked up to Brad Christian and instantly tagged Brad.

Brad had no idea. No one EVER does. So, go forth and TAG people my friend. Let them be TAGGED.

Questions (and answers directly from Rich Ferguson):

If there is a setup, how long can it be setup before performing the trick? Iis there a time limit or anything like that?
It varies tremendously as we've included several methods, reveals, techniques, etc... During a show, the setup is seconds and there is not really a time limit. The biggest time commitment is in the original making of the tool you need to mark people. It is also easy and will require some very common and readily available items.

If there is a gimmick, can it be made or does it come with the trick?
There are different effects that kill in this DVD. There are even different methods to the actually writing on someone without them knowing, that portion is what people seem to be focused on. There are effects and techniques I'm giving up that can be done 100% impromptu and others that are more complex, but still bomb proof. I would not call anything a gimmick because it implies that there is some 'thing' that does that magic for you. For instance, you do not call a sharpie a gimmick when people sign a card with it. I'd rather call items like this your tools. You will be involved and decide that type of effect you want to pull off. This is not one of those DVDs that teach a 'trick' with limits. There are effects that are absolute reputation makers in this DVD that could require you to make something very simple. We've included a couple methods and they take a few minutes to make, but last years. I'll add, I'm teaching actual techniques that you can manipulate in other ways you want.

Is the gimmick hard to make?
If you are in prison, it can be difficult to smuggle in the very common supplies. The rest of us will have no trouble at all. I will say, and I'm sure I'll repeat it often, the desire to figure out the method is complicated to address because there are so many awesome methods and effects in the DVD. Not exactly related, but it's like asking is playing the piano hard? Depends on what you are playing! The cost of the extra items needed vary from $0 to about $20 depending on your living arrangements. 'WHAT?!' you ask. If you have a mom with lots of craft stuff laying around, you might be able to get it for free. Otherwise some very basic stuff which costs a few bucks each and last a long time.

What is the difficulty level?
All. It is flexible and allows you to decide. Again, since there is a lot of content and ideas in the DVD, this will be the perfect resource for all ages and skill levels. There are always ways to push the envelope, right? No matter where you are at with ability, mentalism, cold reading, influence, etc, we are giving tools to let you slam dunk effects without a lot of insane skill. For those who want to push the envelope, we have material for you too. I've included my two favorite effects with books and newspapers.

Is there a setup time?
A few seconds to minutes depending on the effect. On live tv, I did an effect that took extensive preparation and was accused of being 'in on it with the host' so I immediately did the same effect with nearly NO set up to the other tv host! I can't express how flexible this is.. depending on the effect you want to do.

Can you use any book?
Yes. I do this at private homes all the time. There are methods included that allow you to use borrowed items along with your or just their entirely. I'm releasing some 'jazz mentalism' techniques that work very well for me.

Does the DVD really teach me EVERYTHING I need to know?
There are sections on tagger methods and handling, predictions and forces(lots of great ones), psychological tests, and psychological tips. All together, there are many combinations of great items. Quite frankly, two effects and techniques included are my signature dictionary and another newspaper effect that is original to me. They should/could have been there own DVDs/effects.

Cheers, Rich.

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